These types of lists are always a pain in the ass for writers like myself, as its always hard to tell which movies will truly be great and which will be flops before any of them are even released. But that hasn't stopped me from compiling a list of movies that I am most looking forward to seeing next year, which may not necessarily end up being the best. The majority of the films on my list are highly marketed blockbusters that we already know a lot about, so don't expect to see any future Oscar contenders below. 2018 has a lot of promising sequels coming our way, and also has some first time solo movies mixed in. Its clear that not every 2017 blockbuster delivered, but we can only hope 2018 doesn't share that same fate.
15. Bohemian Rhapsody

I was debating giving this spot to Pacific Rim Uprising, but ultimately I feel Bohemian Rhapsody will be the better movie. The film will chronicle the life of Queen front man Freddie Mercury, who tragically passed away from AIDs in the 1980s. As a huge Queen fan myself, how can I not be excited to finally see Freddie's larger than life personality and vocals brought to the big screen.
Now unfortunately, this movie has been through a lot of turmoil over the course of each production, which might prevent it from being as good as it could've been. With its director Bryan Singer (X-Men) recently being fired, as well as the recasting of Sacha Baron Cohen who would've made a great Freddie, one can only hope Rami Malek (Mr Robot) and new director Dexter Fletcher (Eddie the Eagle) still do him justice.
14. Aquaman
I'm just going to come right out and see it, I haven't even seen Justice League yet. Never would I have thought a team-up of all DC superheroes would hit theaters, and I would have such little interest in it. My disappointment over Batman v. Superman is still fresh in my mind, but I'm at least happy DC has come to realize they needed a change in tone and to distant themselves from their constant reliance on Zack Snyder.
Having said all that, from what I've heard Jason Momoa's Aquaman was one of the best parts of the movie and a really fun and likable character. I'm hoping to see a very vast and impressive Atlantis, along with some badass action scenes. Director James Wan is a huge get for DC, and he should be able to do something different and unique with the character that will cement Arthur Curry was one of the most badass superheroes on screen.
13. Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald
Alright I'm going to be totally honest here, I haven't made in through the first Fantastic Beasts movie. I'm sure its a great film, but for me these stories just can't make themselves relevant enough in the same world Harry Potter's events take place. Now having said that, one way to really peak my interest in by bringing in a younger version of one of the greatest characters J.K. Rowling created.
Thats right, Albus Dumbledore will be making his return to the big screen for Fantastic Beasts 2, played by none other than Jude Law. For me this will be like the first time I saw a young Charles Xavier played by James McAvoy in First Class, showing a less wise version of such a high figure. It also helps we'll finally get to see him react with his mortal enemy (And possible lover) Grindewald played by Johnny Depp.
12. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse
I wasn't very interested in this project when it was first announced, but once Phil Lord and Chris Miller got involved and we learned the story would follow Miles Morales, it peaked my interest. Despite a small reference in Spider-Man: Homecoming, this film will probably be the closest we'll get to see Morales as Spidey on the big screen in the coming years.
While the idea of seeing a new character as Spider-Man already intrigued me, the trailer for this movie is what really got me excited. Not only is the animation both stylish and breathtaking, but its also completely different from anything we've seen in an animated movie before. We also learned that Peter Parker will be in the movie, and the door is open for several other Spider-Men from the comics history to make appearances in the film as well. Sony is giving us a movie we never thought we'd get, and I like it.
11. Venom
Speaking of Sony, fans are still pretty skeptical about the fact that we're getting a solo Venom movie that won't have anything to do with the MCU. As frustrating as this is, this movie has put together such and incredible ensemble cast thats its hard to not be excited for it. Casting the brilliant Tom Hardy as our new Eddie Brock is a huge step over seeing Eric Foreman bond with the symbiote, and is probably one of the most spot on casting decisions for a comic book movie.
Now the question still remains if the movie itself will be worthy of Hardy's take on Venom. We can only hope the studio and director Ruben Fleischer are going for an R-rating, and if they are this could be Eddie Brock's Logan type of story he deserves. Add in the possibility of Carnage showing up in the movie, and I'm definitely checking this one out despite my skepticism.
10. X-Men: Dark Phoenix
With Disney's recent purchase of Fox, it seems X-Men: Dark Phoenix may be the last time we'll get to see this iteration of the characters before they're rebooted into the MCU. Whether it was planned that way or not, Dark Phoenix will hopefully serve as a fitting conclusion to what has been a very enjoyable franchise. While X-Men: Apocalypse had its faults, it also had some great character moments which I'm hoping to see more of in the upcoming sequel.
Fox has already tried their hand at adapting this story arc with the disaster that was The Last Stand, and its hard to tell if they aren't falling into the same pitfalls this time around. Bringing on first time director Simon Kimberg to take over for Bryan Singer has already been reason for concern. But hopefully this will be a fitting send off for McAvoy's Professor X and Fassbender's Magneto, whose performances I've truly enjoyed over the last few years.
9. Creed 2
Who would've thought we'd be getting more Rocky sequels in 2018, and they're actually good. Ryan Coogler made a name for himself with the first Creed movie, and was able to rejuvenate the Rocky franchise for a whole new generation. Just the fight scenes alone were miles better then anything we've seen in a boxing movie before, and by the end of it you care just as much about Adonis Creed as you did about Rocky Balbao when he stepped into the ring.
As good as the first movie was, I can't help but be concerned about the sequel with Coogler not returning. Having the talented cast back is a huge plus, and an interesting story involving Creed seeking vengeance on the man who killed his father in the ring; Ivan Drago. I'm hoping for not only more great fight scenes, but also character moments and arcs as dramatic as we saw the first time around.
8. Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom
The trailer for this movie honestly made me less interested than I already was. As much as I love the first Jurassic Park movie, I was exactly longing for a return to this series a couple of years ago but was willing to give it a try. Unfortunately, I feel like Jurassic World retread a lot of the same territory as the first film and was too CGI heavy to feel like anything more than another huge disaster blockbuster (Just with dinosaurs in it).
But judging from the first trailer we got for Fallen Kingdom, this movie looks no different. While there were claims they would rely more on practical effects and dinosaurs this time around, what I saw in the trailer was another CGI heavy movie about an island blowing up. The plot at least feels like something different and more or less like a Noah's Ark of dinosaurs type of movie, I'm not sure how exciting and interesting that concept will be for two hours.
7. Ant-Man and the Wasp
The first Ant-Man movie was a pleasant surprise for me, and settled a lot of the concerns I had about the MCU version of the character. I wasn't too happy to hear Hank Pym would not be our MCU Ant-Man, and would instead be an older man played by Michael Douglas. But in the end the movie ended up being a great time, and introduced us to another likable hero in the form of Paul Rudd's Scott Lang.
One of the main reasons I wanted to see Pym as Ant-Man is in order to see his wife Janet van Dyne as The Wasp, but we might just get to see that in this movie. Pym's daughter Hope will be suiting up as The Wasp, and I can't wait to see her fight alongside Lang as one of Marvel's greatest superhero couples finally makes their way to the big screen. But whats most exciting is Michelle Pfeifer will be playing the original Wasp Janet van Dyne herself, and we'll finally get some answers about what happened to her.
6. Solo: A Star Wars Story
Its too bad two of the people in the picture above no longer having anything to do with the project. A Han Solo movie was something that was talked about from the moment Disney bought LucasFilm, but the production of the movie has been anything but smooth. The firing of directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller was a huge shock, and has led many to believe Disney isn't allowing their directors much creativity with their Star Wars film.
Despite all the drama, I can't lie that I still really want to see this movie. I'm still not sure about Alden Ehrenreich as a young Solo, but getting to see the young adventures of the character alongside Chewbacca sounds like such a fun ride. Ron Howard is a more than capable director, so hopefully he'll be able to steer this project from being the mess some fans are expecting.
5. Incredibles 2
Ask any kid from my generation what movie sequel they've been waiting for for ten-plus years, and a majority of them will answer Incredibles 2. To be honest, as a kid I didn't enjoy the movie nearly as much as other Pixar projects such as Toy Story, but watching it now I realize how well crafted a superhero movie it was. The idea of superheroes having to go into hiding because of the problems they were causing, and a reject fanboy turned supervillain were extremely creative.
With director Brad Bird and most of the original cast back on board, I'm hoping Pixar is able to recapture the same magic the first movie had. I'm not so trusting of Pixar and their sequels, but I think the first Incredibles movie set up a lot for what could make the sequel great. Who isn't excited to see just how powerful Jack Jack really is, especially after the snippet we saw in the teaser trailer.
4. Deadpool 2
No franchise is going to be more effected by this Fox/Disney deal than Deadpool, and its hard to tell if this may be the last time we get to see this hard R version of the character on the big screen. The first movie proved what comic book fans already know, and its that the unhinged meta humor of Deadpool translates perfectly to the big screen. It also proved that there's no one better than Ryan Reynolds to bring this character to life.
Like many other movies on this list, the sequel won't be bringing back its original director Tim Miller who was a huge part of the first movie's magic. But from what we've seen so far, Deadpool 2 will recapture that hilarity, and will also introduce popular characters from the comics like Domino and Cable. The dynamic between Josh Brolin's Cable and Reynolds' Deadpool should be especially entertaining, and was another spot on casting choice for this franchise.
3. Ready Player One
A movie consisting of 80s references, young up and coming actors, and the Iron Giant himself all under the direction of Steven Spielberg, sign me up. Ready Player One has had my interest from the moment it came out, and I began researching the book so I could learn about this interesting project. For one thing, the movie will be Spielberg's return to the sci-fi genre that made him so famous in the first place, and a break from his recent historical dramas.
Spielberg's involvement is enough to get me excited, but the concept of the movie is what makes it even cooler. The trailers have been packed with so many references including DC characters, the DeLorean, and tons of other great easter eggs. As a huge 80s fan, I'm curious how much more nostalgia they will pack into this movie. While I'm a little worried about the in game CGI characters, everything I've seen so far makes it look like it could be another Spielberg classic.
2. Black Panther
I've been wanting to see Black Panther on the big screen ever since the first Avengers movie came out, but it seems the wait was definitely worth. Ever since Marvel cast Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa himself, every decision they've made for the adaption of the character has been nothing short of remarkable. Creed director Ryan Coogler is tackling the project, who is arguably one of the most talented and proven filmmakers they've ever hired.
Just going down the cast list for this movie including the likes of Daniel Kaluuya, Forest Whitaker, Angela Bassett, Danai Gurira, Lupita N'Yongu, Andy Serkis, and its one of the most impressive ensembles we've seen in a superhero movie. We'll also get to see Michael B. Jordan finally take on a villainous role as Challa's rival to throne; Erik Killmonger. Add in the amazing visuals we've seen of Wakanda and their technology so far, and you have a movie like nothing Marvel has ever given us before.
1. Avengers: Infinity War
Naw shit. Alright so I think its pretty obvious to anyone who has frequented this website since its inception in 2011, that I'm a huge superhero movie fan. Not only that, but the MCU is what got me into the world of movie blogging in the first place. So a movie that is literally an accumulation of this entire universe, including the likes of Spider-Man and the Guardians of the Galaxy, has the potential to be my favorite comic book movie to date.
This is probably the only movie that has given me the sense of anticipation I had before the release of The Avengers, and the more I hear about it, the more hyped I get. Not only are we going to get to see all these amazing characters on the big screen, but we'll also be getting a more emotional and tragic Marvel film then any we've seen in this universe before. Thats not to mention the Russo Brothers helmed the project, following their great work on both Civil War and Winter Soldier.
Honorable Mentions: Pacific Rim Uprising, The New Mutants, God Particle, First Man, Mission Impossible: 6, The Predator
From the movies above I was probably most tempted to put Pacific Rim: Uprising on the list because John Boyega is playing the lead and I really enjoyed the first one. New Mutants also seems like an interesting more horror type of comic book movie. Mission Impossible movies have been solid recently so I don't see why the sixth would be any different.
First Man already has Oscar potential with Damien Chazelle and Ryan Gosling re-teaming on the Neil Armstrong biopic. We literally know nothing about God Particle but we at least know its another Cloverfield movie with a very impressive cast. And The Predator probably has one of the most impressive casts of any of these movies, and Shane Black behind the camera so it should be a fun watch.
So those are my most anticipated movies of 2018? Disagree with any of my choices? What movies are you most looking forward to seeing? Let us know below!