I must admit, I was never very excited for the A-Team to come out. but I guess I was wrong, because the A-Team brings together an outstanding cast, action, captivating plot, and comedy all together in probably the best TV show movie adaption ever made, and the first big blockbuster of this summer.
The A-Team shows us the story of four military members, who have been discharged from the army. Two of them; Face (Bradley Cooper) and Hannibal (Liam Nesson) have been trying to fight illegal Mexicans on their own even though that's really the military's job. Soon they meet Basco (Rampage Jackson) who too is revealed to have once been a member of the military.
After running away from the terrorists, they soon discover how great it would be if they formed a team. They realize that they need a pilot though, so they look for Murdock (Sharlto Copley) who is currently attending a mental hospital.
The cast did pretty well in their respective roles. Liam Neeson did a spot on job portraying Hannibal, and he nailed it. Sharlto Copley also did a great job as Murdock, which is no surprise after his performance in District 9 last year.
I give The A-Team 3.5 Stars Out of 5