Conan The Barbarian Teaser Trailer and Poster Make Their Way To The Web

Arnold Schwartzenegger's claim to fame Conan The Barbarian (Not to be confused with Dave The Barbarian kids TV show) is hitting the big screen for a second round. Conan now has a new motion picture and now there's a new teaser trailer and poster for it below.
Jason Momoa has the great task of reprising the role of Arnold Schwarzenegger's Conan. Although Jason does not have Arnold's accent I think he will make a great Conan, and give the character his own twist. 


This is the super cool poster that moves, it will most likely be displayed in theaters on TVs, if the poster actually goes to theaters that is.

As for the poster, he is standing on a pile of skulls, why? I can already tell you for a fact that this is going to be a much more dark take on the tale, which we're already familiar with from movies like the latest Harry Potter and the all new Red Riding Hood film. So if your not the violent type, I suggest you don't plan on seeing this.
Remember, Conan The Barbarian hit theaters on August 19th late summer.

What Do You Think Of Conan The Barbarian?