Josh Hutcherson's Spider-Man Audition Tape Revealed

Twice this year I’ve nearly jumped out of seat, after hearing Spider-Man and Captain America casting rumors . And don’t even get me started on The Avengers - thank god that business all got settled at this year’s Comic-Con. Now it's nothing new to anyone that Andrew Garfield is the next Spider-Man in the upcoming Spider-Man Reboot, but as you may know Josh Hutcherson ran in a close second to him.

For a couple of hours before Andrew was announced as the new Spidey, people really did think Hutcherson had the role. Unfortunately we could not get the tape embeded onto Turbo Exp, but below is the link to the actual tape. If their was one thing I would have to criticize in the tape, is the lack of talking by Hutcherson. Everyone who has read the comics and seen the Sam Raimi trilogy knows the webhead can't keep his mouth shut. Oh well, that doesn't matter because Garfield has the role.

             The Spider-Man reboot will be in theaters (3D and 2D) on July 3rd, 2012.