Fan-Cast: Top New Recruits I Want To See Join The Avengers 2 And Who Should Play Them

Like with any big blockbuster film, now that after years of anticipation The Avengers has finally been released, all audiences and fans alike can think about is the sequel. Well while it's still too early to really know any bit of information on the sequel, what I can tell you from having been a fan of the comics is that there will always be new faces joining the ranks of the Avengers team, and with Marvel already setting up Phase 2 of their Cinematic Universe, I can assure you that new characters will be introduced, and they will be for a reason. So I've decided to put together my own list of characters that I'd like to see join Earth's Mightiest next time around on the big screen, and my personal choices for those roles.

1. Ant-Man/Hank Pym-Ewan McGregor
While many movie goers have come to accept the line-up featured on the big screen this summer to have been the original Avengers, in reality this isn't the case. Neither Hawkeye nore Black Widow were original members of the team, but the famous super couple of Janet Van Dyne and Hank Pym aka Wasp and Ant-Man were. Neither Ant-Man or Wasp have been featured in the MCU yet, but with an Edgar Wright (Shaun of Dead, Scott Pilgrim) directed Ant-Man film already set up for Marvel's Phase 2, it's safe to say we'll finally be seeing them as part of the team. Ewan McGregor was not my original choice for the role, as I had considered Aaron Eckhart (The Dark Knight), Simon Baker (The Mentalist), and Patrick Wilson (Watchmen), but after hearing the suggestion of McGregor for the role I quickly caught on with the pick. McGregor was easily the best part of the Star Wars prequels, really carrying his own as a young Obi Wan Kenobi and he gave the role a lot more emotion and depth then even Alec Guinness did. After seeing him in Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, I think Ewan is the perfect pick for Hank Pym, and it'd be great to see him interact with Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner and Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark.

2. Black Panther/T'Challa-Chadwick Boseman
Black Panther is easily one of the most well rounded Marvel superheroes ever, rivaling that of only Captain America himself. T'Challa's contributions and sacrifice for the team would be an excellent addition, as we saw in the Ultimate Avengers 2 animated film. Not only would T'Challa himself bring a lot to the table, but his home of Wakanda, Africa would be a great and different setting to introduce into the MCU, and maybe even use as the back drop for Avengers 2. While I had originally been all for actor Chiwetel Ejiofor (Serenity) taking on the mantle of the Black Panther, especially given his past with Joss Whedon, I decided that he's now too old to play the young prince of Wakanda. Chadwick is a very unknown actor currently, but he has a lot of talent that will be showcased soon in his portrayal of Jackie Robinson in 42. Just looking at the trailers and footage from the film, Boseman seems to have a very mature and likable persona as Jackie, which is something that is definitely need for a role like T'Challa. On top of that, I really wanted an actor that would work well opposite Chris Evan's Steve Rogers, and I think Chadwick is just the man for the job and he would bring even more younger talent to The Avengers line-up.

3. Luke Cage-Michael Jai White
Luke Cage has always been a favorite of mine, and he plays a key part in the Marvel comic universe having been a core member of the New Avengers, so it would only make sense that he'd have a key role in the MCU too. As a bullet proof man with super human strength Cage is like The Thing and Wolverine in one package (Give or take a few abilities of course). None the less Cage would be a great addition to the team, and while Terry Crews has always been a fan favorite for the part, my personal pick is none other than Michael Jai White. White is no stranger to comic book movies having already starred as Spawn and having a small role in The Dark Knight, but it's time for him to finally get a big lead as a hero and I think he was born to play Cage. Not only does he have the look, height, and physique down but White is also an expert in martial arts which would definitely make from great combat scenes in an Avengers action sequence during the film.

4. The Vision-Benedict Cumberbatch
As soon as Agent Phil Coulson died in The Avengers, rumors began speculated that we hadn't seen the last of Coulson. Word had spread the Coulson's brain wave patterns would be transferred to an artificial intelligence robot from the comics known as Vision. While the idea was far fetched, considering the fact that Hank Pym hasn't even been introduced yet and he invents the Vision, plus the brain wave patterns of the Vision in the comics belong to that of Wonder Man. So now that it seems Coulson will be back for Joss Whedon's planned SHIELD TV show, it seems the Vision rumors weren't exactly on point, but that doesn't mean we still shouldn't see the character. Now that we are finally getting an Ant-Man movie, we may finally get to see the Avengers take on Ultron, and android invented by Hank that basically goes rogue. Having Vision on the team would make a lot of sense to help the team take on Ultron, and wouldn't definitely make for an exciting match-up on screen. Now for a character like Vision, he would be heavily CGI based so we'd need an actor with a really profound and fitting voice to take on the part, and who better then Cumberbatch he has recently voiced Smaug in Peter Jackson's Hobbit trilogy and the villain John Harrison in Star Trek Into Darkness.

5. Dr. Strange/Stephen Strange-Luke Evans
Ever since the release of Thor, the chances of a Doctor Strange movie have become much more likely, after Thor has already introduced audiences to a more fantasy based and magic filled side of the MCU. Since the Warlock's Eye was spotted in Odin's vault during Thor, the Doc Strange movie has been inevitable, and he's own solo film can practically confirm him a spot of the Avengers roster. Although according to Kevin Fiege it seems we won't be seeing a Dr. Strange movie till Phase 3, rumors have circulated that a pre-Sorcerer Supreme Stephen Strange will be a part of Thor: Dark World. If this is true, I know just the guy who should play him and that's Luke Evans. Evans has proven himself to be an outstanding actor that fits the profile of Strange perfectly, and while many would type cast Johnny Depp into the role, Evans would be able to bring a much more interesting and accurate version of the character to life. Evan's hasn't been getting put in the best of film's lately which include Immortals, Three Musketeers, and Robin Hood, but now he's finally landed himself a role in the Hobbit trilogy which will hopefully help him grab Marvel's notice for the role of Strange.

6. Nova/Rick Rider-Scott Porter
Nova is easily one of the most badass heroes Marvel has to offer and one of the most deserving of big screen treatment. With Marvel now releasing Guardians of the Galaxy, chances of Nova making an appearance in the MCU are very high, but we still have yet to know whether he'll be appearing in GOTG or not. The line-up according to Marvel's released concept art at Comic Con includes only Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot, but rumors have pointed to the stars in the concept art shown at Comic Con that are nearly identical to the symbol of the Nova Corps. Nova has always been the most Earth bound of any member of GOTG, which is why he really isn't a consistent member, but of all the GOTG members Nova would be the most likely to cross pass with The Avengers and eventually join the team. Guardians would be a good way to introduce him to audiences for a bigger role as an Avengers member in a later film, and later appearances in Guardians sequels. As for who should play the role, Scott Porter (Friday Night Lights, Speed Racer) has openly expressed interest in the part, being a comic book fan himself, and he fits the part very well too. Now that Chris Pratt has been casted as Star-Lord, Porter seems to be a good fit for Nova age wise and would work well along Pratt on screen. 

So who would you like to see in Avengers 2? Do you agree with my casting choices?