Warner Bros. Announces Zack Snyder's 'Batman Vs. Superman' Film Will Be Delayed Until May 2016

To add insult to injury, the 2015 release date for Batman Vs. Superman (Supposed title) is being snubbed back, all the way to May 6, 2016. Previously said to be taking place during summer of 2015, up against Marvel's Avengers: Age of Ultron, DC's Man of Steel sequel involving a battle between the Caped Crusader and the Man of Steel is now being shoved back, almost a full ten months to May 2016. In place of the film, as announced by Feldman, the Peter Pan adaption "Pan" will be coming out in summer of 2015.

Fans were initially hoping for a glimpse of the Dark Knight's new suit for the film, along with the rumored Wonder Woman armor to appear, yet with this set back fans will be forced to postpone their celebration for another two years. On a positive aspect, DC does give themselves lead way, with Marvel having heavy hitters such as Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron, and Ant-Man coming out, DC now has some time to regroup and re-establish their vision of developing a Justice League film (Which is suppose to take place directly after Batman Vs. Superman).
Currently the cast has only added new comers Ben Affleck as Batman and Gal Gadot as the first ever screen adaption of Wonder Woman. Due to an extended filming date, now these two individuals have time to work out a little bit more in order to compensate for the extremely demanding roles, not only physically, but mentally as well. Developing more distinct personas that can be defined as Bruce Wayne and Princess Diana will make all the more beneficial for the people.
DC also then has a good range of time to market the Batman Vs. Superman film, being that many fans will begin to choose sides on who would win the brawl between the two. But as of now many fans are some what sorrowful that the epic battle will be pushed back two years, it would be smart of WB/DC to start accumulating their Justice League cast and developing their standalone films. With rumors floating around that Snyder's planning on filming Batman Vs. Superman and the Justice League film back to back (Similar to what Peter Jackson did with the Lord of the Rings films), it's possible Snyder and Goyer needed more time to organize both scripts and casts.
So how do you feel about the decision to move the film's date from a 2015 release to a 2016 release date? Sound off below on how you feel about the change.