The First Avenger Gets A Movie Poster, Story Details, and More (Updated)

At last it is here the Captain America movie poster is here and it is darker than thought. Also two new photos of Chris Evans.
Belowe is the poster which is amazing and in high-def. As you can see his emotions show that he is sad or serious and his shield looks bartered. The dirt flying looks like a war are is battle is going on. The outfit looks great and in good detail. So Take a look and tell us what you think.

Look at the resemblance:

Here are two new movie photos of Chris Evans as Captain America. Again his shield has scratches.

Now the only thing left is to wait for the trailer to be revealed on the Superbowl on Sunday. Remember Captain America: The First Avenger goes to theaters on July 22.

Update: Even more photos

Hayley Atwell

Sebastian Stan as Bucky in Captain America

Also director Joe Johnson has stated his take on the chracter of Bucky in this interview:

“Sebastian brought something really interesting and slightly on the dark side and really compelling to watch — when he’s on camera, you’re fascinated by watching him, In a great cast, I thought he really stood out and brought some unexpected things to the role. Everyone brought something to the movie and a lot of them brought something great but I was most pleasantly surprised by what Chris brought and what Sebasatian brought in a much smaller role as Bucky.”

Intrigued by Johnston describing Bucky as having a "dark side", Boucher suggested that would seem to be a departure from the Bucky Barnes from the comics..

“Yeah, that’s true, but Sebastian has a dark, slightly quirky side to him — and that’s the case when he’s in character or not — and he brought that to this movie.

You know, he was originally up for the lead, for the Steve Rogers role, but he didn’t have quite the same earnest, I-want-to-fight-for-my-country aura that Chris has for this role. Sebastian has a little bit of the bad boy, he’s a little bit of the James Dean type and that goes somewhat counter to the general perception of Steve Rogers. He wasn’t quite right for Captain America, but I think he’s perfect for Bucky because, really, he can have a little bit of that dark side.”

What of the relationship between Steve Rogers and Bucky, will it echo the comics?

“We took some liberties with the relationship between the two guys. In our story, Bucky is already in the service, he’s already joined up and is being sent overseas while Steve is still struggling to get in the army. That’s different than what you may have read in the comics. It adds a nuance to the relationship that pays off later. They’re closer in age, too — they’re virtually the same age. That’s not the case at all if you go back to the old comics.

“In the comics, he’s like Robin is to Batman, but this is not that at all.”

”Our Bucky isn’t a sidekick and there’s a darker edge. This is a much more interesting relationship.”

And here are loads of new story and scene details:

"The story begins today in full Arctic lands with the discovery of the body of Steve Rogers in hibernation." Said Chief Rick Heinrichs decoration. "Then we come back in flashbacks sixty years earlier, with an attack on a Norwegian village by the Nazis."

The writers have therefore chosen to mix the original story of Captain America 39-45 war veteran with his modern version in which he was drafted today in the deep ocean to start a new life in a world that no longer recognizes (there is already shaping the plot of The Avengers).

Meanwhile, Captain America: The First Avenger intends to satisfy fans of films about the Second World War by proposing the quota of action, realism and the kind of glamor that entails. A distinction that Broussard is keen to tackle a different genre for each film is important to not keep repeating the same stories of superheroes. It’s the only way for Marvel to keep its freshness. The war film is here a framework that subverts unexpectedly.

In a scene of underground laboratory which happens to be the cave of retro Howard Stark, Tony Stark’s dad (Iron Man), Joe Johnston we look head a scene in which Howard (Dominic Cooper) is projected five-meter back by the blast of an explosion. Johnston, an old broken branch to big Hollywood film shoots and craftsman in precious digital age, will not talk to us. But Stephen Broussard vouch for him: "Listen, Joe is the guy who storyboard the truck chase from Raiders of the Lost Ark. It is difficult not to agree with him"

But these doubts have disappeared lorsqu’Evans immediately donned the famous blue suit. "Cap fascinates me," concludes the actor. "His righteousness, his inflexibility...I do not think that Simon and Kirby wanted to make the symbol of America. He embodied the free world rather an ideal of justice to recover. They could call it Captain Captain Good or Right. But there is no doubt that it sounded worse."

What Do You Think Of The New Poster, Photos, and Details?